Selvatici USA
Superior Quality, All The Best Features, Excellent Performance With The Best Possible Results, and Always The Best Overall Buy!
Equipment That Works For You:
Deep Sub-Surface Soil Conditioning
Seed Bed Preparation
Turf Conditioning & Maintenance
Greens Maintenance & Augmentation
1249 306th St. Tipton, IA 52772 563-946-2122 [email protected]
Business Hours:
'Physical Access' to Brick & Mortar Store:
Monday - Thursday: 9:00am to 4:00pm CST.
Brick & Mortar Store is Closed to Access on Fridays!
Sales & Service:
Monday - Friday: 7:00am to 6:00pm CST.
Saturday: 8:00am to 1:00pm CST.
So, If your call goes' to Voicemail, leave your first & last name,
your phone number, and the nature of your call!
On-Line Access & Messaging: